Sunday, December 30, 2007

Family Ties

Tonight we are going to have dinner with my dad's family. My dad has one older brother, one younger brother, and one younger sister. I am the oldest of 10 cousins. I supplied the first great-grandchild, but my cousin Ashley is expecting a little girl, so soon there will be two.

I was the only grandchild for four years. They were a good four years, I was spoiled rotten. My dad's parents are divorced, they have been for over 30 years. They still fight like it was just yesterday. Both remarried and divorced. They are not good at being married.

A couple of years ago, my grandmother's health starting declining and she moved into one of the rental houses that my dad owns. It's a duplex. At the time, no one lived on the other side. Soon thereafter, my brother decided to move out of my parents house and move into the other side (so very independent). He met his now wife and moved to Nashville and guess who moved in? My grandfather. Yes, the ex-husband. He had been living with my uncle Brad. Uncle Brad had recently remarried, and three's a crowd.

So, here they are, after 30+ years, living under the same roof. They have taken turns chauferring each other to the doctor and ER (very dramatic people). They fuss and fight like always. They are still rasing kids together. Their youngest, the girl, has made some not great choices in life and they are usually stuck with her kids. They are 21 and 17 now, but still require a lot of attention.

We just think it's hilarious. I wonder if they will ride to the restaurant together tonight? I'll let you know.

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