I am a faithful blog reader, though a few are my very favorites. Big Mama is one of them. I adore her Fashion Friday posts. She is having a fun fashion "bare all" this week and I am excited!!
I am 31. Which is weird, because I was 19 last time I checked. I am married to my best friend and we have two children, Olivia & Phillip. We have a very happy, fulfilling life. I think I'll keep it. I am a horrible blogger. I want to blog, I write blogs in my head, but I never do it. So, instead of a daily update, my blog is like a 6 month update.
1. I am the oldest child 2. I have one sibling, a brother 3. I would die for him 4. He is one of my best friends 5. We used to be very close 6. He got married and moved away 7. We're still close, but it's not the same 8. I miss him every day 9. I would still die for him 10. I met my husband when I was 18 years and 16 days old 11. Also known as "just barely legal" 12. He was 31 13. We didn't make a love connection at first 14. We were friends for months 15. This was not unusual for me 16. My friends are always older 17. I'm an old soul 18. After several months of friendship, I asked him out 19. It was Father's Day 20. The Freud like meaning was not lost on us 21. I have a father 22. I didn't need a father figure 23. Good thing, since I was the mature one 24. We kissed on our first date 25. We were stuck like glue from that day forward 26. Four years later we got married 27. I was a senior in college 28. I was 3 months pregnant 29. I got pregnant 6 weeks after we got engaged 30. Silly me 31. Everyone laughed at us because we dated for 3 1/2 years and I got pregnant after we "finally" got engaged. 32. My dr. still doesn't know how it happened. 33. I shouldn't be able to get pregnant 34. We found this out when our daughter was 3. 35. We were trying to have another baby. 36. After fours years of trying, we are having another miracle baby 37. My God is good 38. I was mad about be infertile for a long time 39. I finally stopped being mad 40. Then I got pregnant 41. We make great kids 42. Our daughter was 3 weeks late 43. She almost died 44. I was in labor too long. 45. They did an emergency C-section 46. I was asleep 47. They made me be awake for 26 hours of labor (the epidural didn't work) and then put me to sleep 48. I will always mourn missing the birth of my first child. 49. Thank God she's okay 50. She's more than okay 51. She's a genius 52. We found this out when she was 4 53. We wanted her to start kindergarten 54. Because she could read 55. Really well 56. They told me no 57. Everyone thinks their child is gifted 58. I said "Just check her" 59. They did 60. They called me and apologized 61. Her score was the highest they had ever had 62. In the whole school system 63. They asked if they could keep her in the school system 64. We said yes 65. And they kept her...for two years 66. This is our first year of private school 67. We love it 68. We won't go back 69. She's a grade ahead 70. She's the tallest in her class 71. We don't tell anyone her IQ 72. Including her 73. She wants to know 74. We will tell her when she's done with college 75. If she knew, she would quit trying 76. She would just assume she knew everything 77. There is a difference between intelligence and knowledge 78. That difference is hard to explain to a 7 year old. 79. She wants to be a surgeon 80. Sounds good to me 81. I work for my parents 82. They are 16 years older than me 83. We're more like friends 84. They were very paternal when I was a child 85. Now they are more like friends 86. And employers 87. I like them better as friends 88. I love my husband fiercely 89. He is my very best friend 90. He works hard so that I don't have to 91. He is a great kisser 92. He is a great father 93. I have had the same best "girl" friend for 27 years. 94. We talk everyday, several times. 95. Without her, I would go crazy. 96. She has three children whom I love dearly! 97. She was afraid to tell me when she was pregnant with #2. 98. I was doing fertililty treatments at the time. 99. That made me realize I was being overly sensitive. 100. She told me right away about #3 101. I love her kids almost as much as I love my own 102. I love her with all my heart 103. She totally rocks! 104. My grandparents are all still alive and healthy 105. I would be devestated without them 106. I worry about them all the time 107. I love Jesus 108. A lot 109. I do a lot of volunteer work at my church 110. I should do more 111. I love my church 112. And my pastor and his family 113. They are dear friends 114. My brother is married to their niece 115. I helped orchestrate that 116. I love matchmaking 117. I have lots of pets 118. Two dogs 119. Three cats 120. I could go on all night 121. But I won't 122. One more thing 123. I love my life!
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