So much for using this blog to keep up with the kids' milestones. It's been a wonderful 9 months. Baby Phillip has meshed into our family without a hitch. Olivia loves him, rarely gets jealous. Phillip is the happiest, sweetest, most easy going baby I have ever met. People are constantly commenting on his sweet nature. Here is a wrap up of the last 9 months.
Phillip: Well, he started out little, but did not stay that way. By late October, Phillip is a butterball. A very content baby, he sleeps when we do, except he wakes to eat. OFTEN. But, he goes right back to sleep, so no big deal. Phillip is holding his head up well by two weeks old. He is rolling over by three months and sitting with a little support at four months. By five months, he's sitting unassisted and the Bumpo seat is not longer needed. By the time he is seven months old, Phillip is crawling like a pro. He said his first word, Mama, at around 6 months. Mama is by far his favorite person. He loves Dada and Sister, but Mama is #1. By 9 months, Phillip has a lot of words. He can say: Mama, Dada, Paw-Paw, bye, hi, dog (og), cat (at), up (a personal favorite of his), and go (gah). He has four teeth that he cut in one day during his 8th month. Pulling up is a favorite activity, he began doing this at around 7 months. He pulls up and cruises everywhere. At 9 months, he frequently stands unassisted for a few seconds, then falls. I am in no hurry for him to walk. Overall, he is an absolute joy and I LOVE that we spend every minute together. The red hair and blue eyes were quite the surprise, but now I can't imagine him any other way.
Olivia: Olivia continues to grow taller and leaner. She is a beautiful girl who is growing into her arms and legs. Third grade is over. We are leaving the private school that we were at for two years and trying public school again. Olivia was so tired of that school and she gets to start middle school in August. She is super excited. Olivia took placement test for public school and scored college level on her reading and upper fifth grade level on her math. She is still considered highly gifted, which is no surprise. What does surprise us is what a sweet, compassionate person she has become. She is very mature now and almost all traces of my "baby girl" are gone. She still enjoys being babied and can be found many evenings with all 4'9" inches curled up in my lap. I adore her and cannot get enough of her charm and wit. She has developed quite the interest in boys and it's killing her daddy. She has become very fashion conscious and has great taste. We love shopping together. I cannot wait to see what kind of lady she grows into. She loves God very much and enjoys all church activities. She even helps me with the bulletins on Sunday.
Well, that sums up the last 9 months, sorta. I am loving everyday with my babies. I thank God for giving them to me. We are so blessed.
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