Ahh, the Sunday after Thanksgiving. I am tired and bloated. It has been a wonderful weekend, filled with family and fun. We had a tiny little Thanksgiving dinner Thursday with my parents. The rest of the entire family was out of town, so it was just us. We fixed WAY TOO MUCH food and ate until we moaned. At one point, Mike looked at me and said, "Is this what it feels like to be pregnant?" Yeah, sure, just like it...for NINE months!
Friday, I lounged around the house with the kids. It was glorious, leftovers and all. Mike had to work that night, so we just lounged. Olivia spent the night with Mom & Dad. It was a lazy day.
I worked some Saturday, we were shorthanded at the store. It was fine. Nothing exciting.
Today, was some great church and more laziness at home. We cooked another turkey (HA), so we would have leftovers this week.
So, since I last blogged, Phillip & Olivia have both had birthdays. My brother did an amazing photo shoot of the kids for Phillip's one year pictures. I am including some of those in this blog for my three readers :)
My laptop is finally fixed (AGAIN). This laptop is a lemon. I am breaking down and ordering a new computer for Christmas. Merry Christmas MAMA! I hope to blog more, I need an outlet.
This is a very disjointed, random post, so I will just leave the pictures. Tata!
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